Hello Lovely,

I’m Elsa Alegria, a transformational guide and modern-day Priestess devoted to guiding women back to their inner wisdom, radiance, and joy.

I’ve worn many hats and pursued many degrees, certifications, and interests in my life: including interior designer, registered dietitian nutritionist, mind-body eating wellness coach, foodie/private chef, yogini, temple guide, Mama, wife, and lover of #all things beautiful and good for you.

For years, I struggled with a variety of issues that left me feeling “heavy” in my body and spirit. I battled body-image issues, digestive issues, and feeling completely disconnected from my self and soul purpose. I felt like I was searching for the one thing - the magic pill - that would finally make me feel healthy and whole.

Coming back to my heart center, I now understand and embody the truth that everything I need is already within me.

Today, I combine all the skills I’ve learned on this life journey with deep intuitive wisdom as an empowerment guide for women. Together, we nourish body+soul to reclaim the wisdom, love, and joy within.

If you are ready to break away from playing by the “old rules” to uncover what your soul truly needs, you are in the right place! 

My Story

The path here has been anything but linear…and stepping more fully into MY story didn’t happen overnight…

In my late thirties, I had a significant wake-up call: a miscarriage followed by a mystery illness that stopped me in my tracks, causing me to re-evaluate everything about my life. After five days in the hospital with no answers or treatment plan, western doctors sent me home to rest and heal on my own. Not one to simply give up, I discovered the healing power of whole foods and immersed myself in learning all that I could about nutrition. After 20+ years in corporate architecture and interior design, I decided it was time for a real shift in my life. In 2010, much to the surprise of friends, family, and co-workers, I decided to leave the design industry (and the security of my position) to pursue a career in nutrition and wellness. I basically started over in more than ways than one. 

What began as a passion project for self-healing transformed into a lifelong journey and vocation beyond what I could have imagined.

I received my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition through Bastyr University, in Kenmore, WA, which I chose for its balanced focus of rigorous science, whole food nutrition, and alternative wellness modalities. From the beginning, I was seeking a program that combined the science of nutrition with the art of healing the individual. Upon completion of my BSN, I relocated back to the Bay Area and completed my dietetic internship and clinical rotations through Alta Bates and Summit Medical Centers in Oakland. For the first few years as a new RDN, I worked in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. I did all of this while going through a divorce, learning how to be a fully present single mother, and leaning on my family for help and support. My life was completely inside out…

I want to be really honest with you right now…

I absolutely value every moment of my learning experiences and am grateful for the people I met and the clinical experience I gained in those first few years of my new career. That said, I quickly realized that I was not being true to myself in the clinical environment. Clinical work is important, but as I soon found, it is only one part of the equation needed for true healing. Based on what I was seeing and experiencing for myself, I saw a real need for a more holistic approach. Again, after much soul-searching and much to the surprise of friends and family, I chose to leave the newfound security of clinical work to follow my heart. I spent the next three years working as the Business and Wellness Manager in a holistic wellness center for women and discovered another layer of learning and unraveling. During that time, I also re-imagined my nutrition practice and became a certified mind-body eating coach through the Institute of Psychology of Eating, where I was able to guide clients to go beneath the surface of ‘diet’ and ‘appearance’ to reveal the real healing that was being called for.

As I continued to listen to my inner wisdom, making changes that were met with many opinions along the way, I also realized the depth of healing that was asking to be faced while living with my parents as a single mother.

To be clear, I love my family - my family IS my foundation. Yet during this unraveling of my identity and my place in the world, I realized how much I had abandoned my soul in order to please others, in order to feel loved and accepted as the whole of who I was and who I was becoming. I had changed many outward aspects of my life - but I was still avoiding much of the deeper work…Until one day…

In 2018, fully awakened and devoted to my Self and to my SOUL’s needs, I made radical self-love decisions. Trusting the whispers of my heart, I launched my own private coaching practice and devoted myself to offering holistic wellness solutions for women. During that time, I also devoted myself to leading women’s circles and soul-nourishment events. I was breaking through the shell of protection that I had long grown accustomed to, yet had also caused me to feel unfulfilled. I took another leap of faith and became the first certified facilitator of The Practice® - a program founded by my friend and soul sister - Michelle Long. The Practice® was pivotal in my ability to move through the many transitions I was experiencing. It gave me the space to reconnect to my heart compass and body wisdom as well as guide women on their journey in a way that felt fully aligned with my heart+soul.

Awakened by my inner wisdom and soul’s whispers, I dove in further and immersed myself in the ancient mysteries of the divine feminine as an initiate of the 13 Moon Mystery School - founded by Ariel Spilsbury.

With the guidance of my 13 Moon Mystery School mentors, Eden Amadora, and Elayne Kalila Doughty, I dove deep into the mystery that awakened my heart and body to a remembrance of the sacred feminine within me. Now, as an ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, I have been able to connect the signs and symbols that had long been in my awareness but had baffled me. Stepping into this level of unfolding and unraveling of identity enabled me to see my patterns and limiting beliefs from a broader perspective. By further stepping onto the path of feminine mysteries, I’ve rediscovered the connection between my dreams and my own intuition, elements of myself that I had written off as too ‘out there’ or not to be trusted. The deeper I’ve gone, the more I’ve rediscovered.

Guided by visions, dreams, and whispers from Mother Mary since a very young age, and more recently from Mary Magdalene, Ixchel, and Isis, I now feel fully connected to my humanity and divinity where I once felt untethered. I no longer ignore or deny this wisdom and see the beauty of the whole journey. Through this deep inner work, I have reconnected to my mixed ancestral and spiritual lineages from Mexico, Central America, Spain, France, and North Africa. From this expanded lens, embracing all of who I am, I have reclaimed my voice and my role as an emissary of love and healing. I weave together wisdom, beauty, and joy into my work…so that your heart may be awakened, too.

Following the breadcrumbs that led me back to Mexico after so many years away, I found myself at the temples of Teothicuan, where I literally connected to HeatherAsh Amara and Toltec wisdom. There are no coincidences. Trusting even more deeply to the call to serve from this lineage, I was led to Diana Adkins and became certified as an Artist of the Spirit Life, Energy, and Spiritual Coach aligned with Toltec wisdom and my Priestess path.

This deep inner work allowed me to cultivate a level of healing I would not have found had I relied solely on Western science.

My path has been full of twists and turns, which stemmed from heeding my soul’s whisper. The golden thread that has remained the same has been my desire to connect with you more deeply for sustained healing using the wisdom of nourishment, beauty, love, and pleasure to reconnect you to your intuitive wisdom of body+soul.

So often, when people feel disconnected or lost, they look to the expert to give them the prescription. I am a translator, a bridge between body and soul healing…

"Elsa helped me focus on the reality of my eating and behaviors - what was really going on not just what I thought was going on. I also found that when I was nourishing my soul (via nature, friends, etc.) the need to fill that hole with food faded." - Gina

You are the expert

I am your guide to reconnect you to YOUR inner wisdom and heart-knowing.

I bring a wealth of knowledge and compassion to guide you on your healing journey.