Welcome to your SANCTUARY

I see you standing at the PORTAL

I stand at the threshold to invite you onto this soul journey —

this mythic journey of remembering who you truly are in your Essence Light & Authentic Power

If the LIGHT is in your HEART, you will find your way HOME.” - Rumi

Registration for 2025 is now closed


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SISTER, it is a powerful time to deepen into the wisdom that you hold so that you may shine your light and stand in your power...

Something called you here…A deep knowing that comes from your heart.

You may feel called to experience this knowing more deeply in everyday life - trusting yourself more fully.

You may feel the desire to embody the wisdom of the Divine Feminine Mysteries through your authentic, aligned, and powerful expression - to feel alive in your body!

You sense you are ready to devote yourself to this path so you can show up more fully in all aspects of your life and in your larger community.

You are ready to live your life fully by nourishing yourself and feeding the feminine first through the ancient wisdom that lives in you.  

I am filled with joy to offer this sacred sanctuary for you to deepen with the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine - the Goddess within you!

In this sanctuary, you will discover and reclaim the power of the Divine Feminine archetypes to awaken your divine radiant heart, nourish your soul, and gather in sisterhood.

Together, we will journey to Her temple to reclaim Her wisdom as it lives within OUR hearts so that we may share our light brightly in the world, expressing our authentic power and wisdom.

So often, women are the ones holding space for others only to find themselves depleted or feeling lost.

There is a sense of feeling dim, dull, or simply as if ‘something is missing.’ Come to nourish in the frequencies of the sacred feminine as they live and breathe through you.

The sanctuary is here to offer you the sacred space to nourish your body, your heart, and your soul, Dear Sister. In this space of soul nourishment and sacred self-care, you will reconnect to your heart - your wisdom, your beauty, your power, and your joy.

In this sanctuary, the Goddess activates, catalyzes, and empowers you to shine!

Come, step through the gateway into this container, which provides a sacred space for direct experiences with the wisdom of the Divine Feminine within you, based on the lineage teachings of the 13 Moon Mystery School, founded by Ariel Spilsbury. As an Ordained Priestess and Focalizer of this lineage, I welcome you in.

Apply now to join us in January 2025 on


a return to the temple of the sacred feminine

In this private Sanctuary, you will be initiated, supported, and expanded to experience and remember the Goddess as she lives within you in the lineage of the 13 Moon Mystery School.



  • 13 in-person temple gatherings, once a month to deepen with divine feminine archetypes and mystery teachings

    • Each temple also includes a light meal to nourish the body and an opportunity to be in sisterhood to nourish the soul

  • 13 Group Integration Zoom gatherings, once a month to be witnessed and gain clarity on what is arising or shedding in you

  • Members-Only Sanctuary Portal to house all videos, practices, and downloadable resources (accessible to you during the course of the program).

    • Archetypal deepening video to integrate the gifts and lessons of each face of the Goddess as she appears in your life

    • Deepening workbook containing practices, rituals, and recipes for each archetype to nourish body, mind, and spirit

    • Meditations and tools to help you learn and integrate each archetype's tools and frequencies into your daily life

  • Private WhatsApp group for additional witnessing and support throughout the entire journey

  • Additional 60-minute 1:1 archetypal mentorship sessions with me (available as an add-on by request)

The Divine Feminine is calling us forward, Sister. She invites us to co-create a new reality and paradigm shift for our world. We are being called to remember our ancient lineages of the Divine Feminine to walk in service to love. 

Enter through the Portal

You Will:

  • Be brought into a potent portal into a Divine Feminine Mystery School lineage that ignites the heart+soul

  • Awaken and reconnect to your archetypal, spiritual, and ancestral lineages

  • Honor and apply practices and rituals of feminine wisdom that live in you through the soul nourishment and sacred self-care that is offered by the Divine

  • Experience the fullness of your being through recognition of your shadow and light - to be here in your wholeness

  • Embody the wisdom within you, listening, feeling, and moving from your deep belly wisdom & heart-knowing

  • Reconnect and amplify your unique frequency and soul song.

  • Expand your perception to see the greater mythic story of your wholeness & embodied presence

  • Transform limiting beliefs and alchemize your wounds for your healing and the healing of others

  • Be empowered through the embodiment of feminine wisdom that is aligned with your expression of feminine leadership

  • Emerge in grace through your soul’s evolution to bring your authentic, courageous Self

    In this sanctuary, you will remember yourself in wholeness and grace…

    embodied, empowered, expanded…

    to bring your Self more fully into the world!

Beloved sister, you are being invited to shine so brightly that your light, beauty, and power are recognized and felt.  In this sanctuary, you are invited to do this by meeting all parts of self - to transmute, through your body and frequency, anything that limits you.

Come, walk as the embodiment of the Divine Feminine,  affecting everything and everyone by being a vessel of Her love.

Temples will be held in my home sanctuary in Concord, CA, from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM (we will share a light meal after the temple to gather and deepen in community - this is optional for you to attend)

Intention, Deepening, and Closing Calls will be held on Zoom from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM.

2026 Path of Devotion Schedule

Dates Subject to Change

Great Mother

Initiation Temple: Saturday, January 17th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, January 28th

 Goddess of Compassion

Initiation Temple: Saturday, February 7th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, February 18th

The Priestess

Initiation Temple: Saturday, March 7th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, March 25th

Creator Destroyer Preserver

Initiation Temple: Saturday, April 11th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, April 22nd

Lady of Communion

Initiation Temple: Saturday, May 9th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, May 20th

The Muse

Initiation Temple: Saturday, June 6th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, June 17th

Goddess of Love

Initiation Temple: Saturday, June 27th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, July 8th

Primal Goddess

Initiation Temple: Saturday, July 25th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, August 5th

The Initiator

Initiation Temple: Saturday, August 22nd

Deepening Call: Wednesday, September 2nd

Wise Woman

Initiation Temple: Saturday, September 19th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, September 30th

Weaver Dreamer

Temple: Saturday, October 17th, 4pm – 9pm*

Deepening Call: Tuesday, October 28th

Queen of Death

Temple: Saturday, November 14th

Deepening Call: Wednesday, December 2nd 

Alchemical Goddess

Closing Temple: Saturday, December 12th, 11am - 6pm*

*Note adjusted time

Together, we rise, sisters.

Join the Waitlist to step onto the Path of Devotion…

“Elsa Alegria leads with compassion, love, and divine purpose. She is a modern shamanic woman who is deeply connected to her ancestral roots, and she brings forth wisdom that is healing, thought-provoking, and powerful in its message.

The sanctuary that Alegria has created is a beautiful space for diving deep into our own inner wisdom. It is a safe space for connecting in sacred sisterhood, and for learning about the goddesses that live within us all. 

This sacred container has made it possible for me to see past my own fears and self-limiting beliefs, allowing me to get out of my own way and embrace who I truly am with confidence, courage, and creativity.  This sanctuary has awakened my divine feminine spirit, and if you are ready to step into the mystery it can do the same for you too.”

Jackie Elizabeth Jordan

“I can remember her first gathering. The space felt special and sacred, the energy was palpable, I felt the One Heart - not just the hearts of the women in the circle but also the heart of Mother Earth. I felt the connection, thoughts, and emotions of all living beings. I left expanded and in awe of our unseen world. 

Opening and deepening at that level helped me connect fully to the Universal Source Energy, to my intuition and Spirit. My experience with Elsa Alegria enhanced my own ability to work with many energetic modalities and to strengthen my clairsentience and clairvoyance muscles and provide a richer experience for my clients full of beautiful deep healing. 

That experience was simply with ONE of the archetypal teachings within the work of the Divine Feminine Mystery. Every new archetypal teaching created ripples through out my life. This work has touched all my relationships; my personal relationship, with my clients, and more importantly within me and my relationship to myself.  

Blessed be to this transformational work and to Alegria who shares her gifts and her heart!”

Deanna Jaromay, Be Radiant Reiki

“Being in sanctuary with Elsa Alegria has been life-changing. As a busy mom and business owner, I take care of a lot of other people. Elsa allowed me to RECEIVE during a season of life where I’ve been giving so much.  When I first began working with Elsa, I was struggling with the sister wound. I had a deep mistrust of women. She taught me that it IS safe to be vulnerable and that I am not "too much." Anyone who is considering working in this way is bound to have her own profound experience.” ​

Isabelle Bridges, The Mother’s Empowerment Podcast

If you are here, you are being called to walk in loving service as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine. It is this heart-knowing that calls you to step onto the Path. Your body's wisdom awakens you to the truth that it is time to lead as love. We are here to co-create a new reality for ourselves, our families, and our world. You are being called to remember the wisdom of your body, this Earth, the land, and your ancestors - to bring this medicine into your everyday life.

Beloved sister, you are being invited back into the wisdom of your heart - your deep inner-knowing…to let your essence light shine so brightly that your power, wisdom, and beauty are felt and seen in all aspects of your life. 

Lean in, Sister. Trust the wisdom within.

Come, walk as the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. Come to honor your ancestral and spiritual lineages as a bearer of love, affecting everything and everyone by being an emissary of love. It is time to serve the One Heart as Love, in Love, for Love.

I would be honored to walk this path with you.

It is my commitment to offering this work to those that resonate.

If you feel called but are experiencing financial hardship or have any questions about the journey, I invite you to schedule a call so we can connect heart-to-heart and explore the possibilities…