I see you standing at the PORTAL…

Apply to Enter into Your SANCTUARY

Beloved, I am honored to meet you at this gateway into the mystery of the divine feminine as She lives within you.

Before you enter into the Sanctuary, you must first apply to feel if this is truly in right alignment and divine timing for you to step in now. This is a deep and transformational space that requires your devotion and willingness to be in the mystery.

Please make space and take some time to answer the questions below from your heart. The application provides a way for you to get clear about your intentions for coming into the Sanctuary. This is an essential step in the process as it requires listening to your heart.

Rest assured, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers when they come from your heart. And your responses remain confidential - seen only by me (Elsa Alegria) as your focalizer and guide on this journey.

So, beloved…begin by slowing down, allowing your mind to get quiet so that your heart can provide the answers.

Once you submit the application, you'll receive a message that provides information on the next steps in the process.

Begin the journey by submitting your application.